
making of steadycam

We always wanted to find an easy way to shoot moving shot and dolly is the only thing we could get it from CDU. So we decided to get a steadycam but after look on ebay and some online shopping website, we found out that the real thing is far too expansive, we couldn't afford at all. After get some opinion with Will Tinapple, he told us to make our own stuff.

I did research on making a cheap and useful camera stabilizer, surf through website and I found a great guide of making that. . It is a great tutorial and the materials we could get them at bunnings. We went for shopping and looking around for hours because it is not easy to find a small parts in a huge store. We shopped for 2 hours and thanks to James Mccormick for driving us there.

After that, we book a time with Peter to get a simple workshop training to make our steadycam. He is so kind to guide us in making and we had a great time of doing some drilling and fixing with our own hands. We took an hour to finish and refine our steadycam and tadaa ... we had a homemade steadycam. He given us a rubber washer to keep our video cam safe on top, and suggest us to put a layer of rubber/string on the holders to increase the grip when holding.

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